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Repository: wtk-overlay
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Author: W. Trevor King
I broke down today and looked into Gentoo overlays and layman. It seems much simpler now than it did when I last looked at it a year or so ago. I guess I'm just more familiar with how portage works...
Anyhow, I've posted my personal wtk
overlay and layman
XML describing it (update: my overlay is now listed in
the global overlay list, so there is no need to mess with my
personal layman.xml
). The overlay is a fairly strange mix:
- app-crypt/monkeysphere (Gentoo 313253. My Monkeysphere package)
- app-crypt/msva-perl (Perl implementation of the Monkeysphere validation agent)
- app-mobilephone/obexpushd (ObexPushD)
- app-text/itex2mml (Gentoo 194499)
- dev-embedded/teensy-hid-listen (command line HID-raw listener for the Teensy microcontrollers)
- dev-embedded/teensy-loader-cli (command line programmer for the Teensy microcontrollers)
- dev-python/chemdb (my ChemDB package)
- dev-python/curses-check-for-keypress (my curses-check-for-keypress package)
- dev-python/django-tables2 (django-tables2)
- dev-python/FFT-tools (my FFT-tools wrappers)
- dev-python/geopy (geopy)
- dev-python/geopy (geopy)
- dev-python/h5config (my h5config package)
- dev-python/pgp-mime (my pgp-mime package)
- dev-python/pyassuan (my pyassuan package)
- dev-python/pygrader (my pygrader package)
- dev-python/pymodbus (pymodbus)
- deb-python/pypid (my pypid PID controller package)
- dev-python/splittable-kwargs (my splittable kwargs package)
- dev-python/timebook (timebook)
- dev-tex/draftmark (a dev-tex/drexel-thesis dependency)
- dev-tex/drexel-thesis (my drexel-thesis class)
- dev-util/be (Gentoo 303867)
- media-gfx/metacam
(Gentoo 65200, but I suggest you use
if you don't needmetacam
's special decoding) - media-libs/aubio (work around Python 2.7 issues in aubio by using the development trunk)
- net-im/twirssi (twirssi, a Twitter and ident.ca plugin for irssi)
- sci-libs/comedilib (Gentoo 348206, comedilib)
- sci-libs/pyafm (my pyafm AFM control library)
- sci-libs/pycomedi (my pycomedi Cython-based Comedi wrapper)
- sci-libs/pypiezo (my pypiezo piezoelectric actuator control library)
- sci-libs/stepper (my stepper-motor control library)
- sci-misc/comedi-headers (Comedi kernel module headers)
- sci-misc/igor (my igor package)
- sci-physics/calibcant (my calibcant AFM cantilever calibration suite)
- sci-physics/hooke (my branch of the Hooke force spectroscopy analyzer)
- sci-physics/sawsim (my sawsim force spectroscopy simulator)
- virtual/monkeysphere-validation-agent/ (Monkeysphere validation agent virtual package)
- virtual/thesis-tools (useful dependencies for compiling a thesis)
- x11-misc/mxconns (mxconns)
For those that aren't yet familiar with layman and overlays, install layman with:
# emerge -av app-portage/layman
Optionally edit /etc/layman/layman.cfg
, and install my overlay with:
# layman --add wtk
Then go ahead and emerge
any of the extra packages my overlay
I also have a Gentoo Prefix overlay which I use to install useful stuff on our family Mac.
There is an unofficial web interface that allows you to search for overlays containing specific ebuilds, which is useful if you want an ebuild but aren't sure who's offering it ;).
As a note to myself, you can test all the ebuilds in your overlay from the overlay's root directory with:
# emerge --oneshot -av $(find . -name '*.ebuild' | sed 's/^..//' | sed 's/\/[^/]*$//' | sort | uniq)