Fun pages! Nothing serious here.
NOAA has a Historical Map & Chart Collection with free downloads of high resolution scans of all sorts of historical maps and charts. For example, George Vancouver's 1791 “Chart Shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America”.
Looking into old birth, death, and marriage records, I ran across dates such oas "on the 12th instant". Looking this up it turns out to be shorthand for "the current month". Related terms:
- Ultimo (the previous month, from Latin ultimo mense, abbreviated ult)
- Instant (the current month, from Latin instante mense, abbreviated inst)
- Proximo (the next month, from Latin proximo mense, abbreviated prox)
I just discovered that gnuplot has an xterm
terminal output mode
which uses xterm's tektronix emulator (since gnuplot
4.2.6). This is useful if you have logged into a remote
machine and want to plot something, but you didn't have the foresight
to use ssh -Y
to bring along a connection to your X server. I used to use
gnuplot> set term dumb
but often the low resolution available with standard terminal characters left the resulting output almost unintelligible. With
gnuplot> set term xterm
your xterm
will pop up a new window in tektronix mode, in which you
get very nice monochrome graphics.
Besides the “forgot to tunnel X” use case outlined above, this output would also be useful if you wanted to avoid exposing yourself to X vulnerabilies while logging into an untrusted machine.
Obviously, you'll have to be running xterm
for any of this to work ;).
Add the compose key to your Xmodmap file with something like
keycode 134 = Multi_key
The compose key has it's own unicode symbol: ⎄, which I'll use in the following composition tables.
- ⎄`a à
- ⎄'a á
- ⎄^a â
- ⎄ca ǎ
- ⎄ba ă
- ⎄oa å
- ⎄!a ạ
- ⎄.a ȧ
- ⎄"a ä
- ⎄~a ã
- ⎄_a ā
- ⎄;a ą
- ⎄,c ç
Weird letters
- ⎄AE Æ
- ⎄ae æ
- ⎄ss ß
- ⎄TH Þ
- ⎄th þ
- ⎄=C €
- ⎄|c ¢
- ⎄-L £
- ⎄<< «
- ⎄>> »
- ⎄"< “
- ⎄"> ”
- ⎄'< ‘
- ⎄'> ’
- ⎄.. …
- ⎄p! ¶
- ⎄os §
- ⎄?? ¿
- ⎄!! ¡
- ⎄--- — (em dash)
- ⎄--. – (em dash)
- ⎄oo °
- ⎄^0 ⁰
- ⎄^1 ¹
- ⎄_1 ₁
- ⎄12 ½
- ⎄+- ±
- ⎄xx ×
- ⎄:- ÷
- ⎄/o ø
- ⎄mu µ
- ⎄oc ©
- ⎄or ®
- ⎄tm ™
- ⎄:) ☺
- ⎄:( ☹
As you can imagine, the list goes on and on. The compositing system depends on your application (see the Ubuntu wiki for Gnome notes), but if you're using the X Input Method (XIM), your compose table depends on your locale:
$ echo $LANG
$ grep $LANG\$ /usr/share/X11/locale/compose.dir
en_US.UTF-8/Compose en_US.UTF-8
en_US.UTF-8/Compose: en_US.UTF-8
$ less /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
If you want to customize your compose keys, just add your own rules to
an ~/.XCompose
$ cat ~/.XCompose
include "%L"
<Multi_key> <h> <o> <m> <e> : "" # Home page
Read Compose(5)
for more information. You may need to log out and
log back in (or use the newgrp trick) for your new ~/.XCompose
file to take effect.
It's a good idea to periodically replace old PGP encryption keys to minimize the amount of data exposed by cracking the old key.
$ gpg --expert --edit-key F15F5BE8
pub 1024D/F15F5BE8 created: 2008-08-09 expires: 2011-08-08 usage: SC
trust: ultimate validity: ultimate
sub 2048g/42407C74 created: 2008-08-09 expired: 2009-08-09 usage: E
sub 2048g/4DA3FC0B created: 2009-07-26 expired: 2010-08-08 usage: E
sub 1024D/EB357E60 created: 2009-07-26 expired: 2010-08-08 usage: S
[ultimate] (1). William Trevor King <>
[ultimate] (2) William Trevor King <>
The usage characters are:
- e = encrypt/decrypt
- s = sign
- c = certify (sign another key)
- a = authenticate (e.g. log in to SSH with a PGP key)
in the GnuPG source directory for details on the
output format (and the related colon listing format).
If your primary key has expired, you can extend its expiration time with
gpg> expire
Note that my encryption keys have expired. This makes it hard for people to send me encrypted mail. Create a new encryption key with
gpg> addkey
Answering the prompts as you see fit (I usually pick Elgamal for
encryption). You can also add signing keys with addkey
(I usually
pick RSA for signing, since DSA keys are limited to 1024 bits, see
There doesn't seem to be much to differentiate Elgamml vs. RSA for
encryption. With the --expert
mode, you can select
RSA (set your own capabilities)
so that's what I do (since then I only need one subkey for all tasks).
Several gpg
operations require a particular subkey to be selected.
Use key
to select subkeys by index (marked with a *
gpg> key 1
pub 1024D/F15F5BE8 created: 2008-08-09 expires: 2012-05-24 usage: SC
trust: ultimate validity: ultimate
sub* 2048g/42407C74 created: 2008-08-09 expired: 2009-08-09 usage: E
sub 2048g/4DA3FC0B created: 2009-07-26 expired: 2010-08-08 usage: E
sub 1024D/EB357E60 created: 2009-07-26 expired: 2010-08-08 usage: S
sub 2048g/3FB721E8 created: 2011-05-25 expires: 2012-05-24 usage: E
sub 2048R/9CADC4D9 created: 2011-05-25 expires: 2012-05-24 usage: S
[ultimate] (1). William Trevor King <>
[ultimate] (2) William Trevor King <>
If you get confused, there's also a help
Save and quit when you're done:
gpg> save
Once you've got your key all fixed up, upload the new version to your chosen keyserver:
$ gpg --send-keys F15F5BE8
You probably also want to post your new key somewhere on your website:
$ gpg --export --armor -o ~/.gnupg/pubkey.txt F15F5BE8
$ scp ~/.gnupg/pubkey.txt you@somewhere:public_html/pubkey.txt
Checking signatures
Here are some quick notes on checking signatures:
$ gpg --check-sigs F15F5BE8
will list the status of signatures for which you have the signing key in your keyring. However, if you are missing one of the signing keys, you may get a message like
10 signatures not checked due to missing keys
If you run
$ gpg --list-sigs F15F5BE8
you'll see all the signatures, and you can use the usual gpg --recv-key
to check out the ones you don't have.
Adding user IDs
If you get a new email account, you'll want to add it to your key.
$ gpg --edit-key F15F5BE8
gpg> adduid
Optionally make the new ID your primary ID.
gpg> uid 3
gpg> primary
Finall, save your changes.
gpg> save
Don't worry about the [unknown]
trust level next to your new ID.
Once you've saved the key, it will change to [ultimate]
. I imagine
the initial [unknown]
listing is because you haven't officially
confirmed the new ID's signature by saving your changes.
pyproj is a Python wrapper around PROJ.4. Here's a quick walkthrough.
Initialize a geodetic converter:
>>> from pyproj import Geod
>>> g = Geod(ellps='clrk66')
where ellps='clrk66'
selects Clarke's 1866 reference
ellipsoid. help(Geod.__new__)
gives a list of possible
Calculate the distance between two points, as well as the local heading, try
>>> lat1,lng1 = (40.7143528, -74.0059731) # New York, NY
>>> lat2,lng2 = (49.261226, -123.1139268) # Vancouver, Canada
>>> az12,az21,dist = g.inv(lng1,lat1,lng2,lat2)
>>> az12,az21,dist
(-59.10918706123901, 84.99453463527395, 3914198.2912370963)
which gives forward and back azimuths as well as the geodesic distance in meters. Not that longitude comes before latitude in the these pyproj argument lists.
Calculate the terminus of a geodesic from an initial point, azimuth, and distance with:
>>> lng3,lat3,az3 = g.fwd(lng1,lat1,az12, dist)
>>> lat3,lng3,az3
(49.26122600306212, -123.11392684861474, 84.99453467574762)
Plan your trip with:
>>> pts = g.npts(lng1,lat1,lng2,lat2,npts=5)
>>> pts.insert(0, (lng1, lat1))
>>> pts.append((lng2, lat2))
>>> import numpy
>>> npts = numpy.array(pts)
>>> npts
array([[ -74.0059731 , 40.7143528 ],
[ -80.93566289, 43.52686057],
[ -88.48167748, 45.87969433],
[ -96.61187851, 47.6930911 ],
[-105.22271807, 48.89347605],
[-114.13503215, 49.42510006],
[-123.1139268 , 49.261226 ]])
To plot the above New York to Vancouver route on a flat map, we need a
>>> from pyproj import Proj
>>> awips221 = Proj(proj='lcc', R=6371200, lat_1=50, lat_2=50,
... lon_0=-107, ellps='clrk66')
>>> awips218 = Proj(proj='lcc', R=6371200, lat_1=25, lat_2=25,
... lon_0=-95, ellps='clrk66') #x_0=-llcrnrx,y_0=-llcrnry)
#llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat are lon and lat (in degrees) of lower
# left hand corner of projection region.
where proj='lcc'
selects the Lambert conformal conic
projection for the x/y points, and ellps='clrk66'
selects the
reference ellipsoid for the lat/lng coordinates. The other
coordinates are LCC parameters that select the AWIPS 221
and AWIPS 226 projections respectively (lat_1
corresponds to Latin1
, lat_2
corresponds to Latin2
, and lon_0
corresponds to Lov
; see this description of the
two-standard-parallel LCC and its PROJ.4 parameters).
Convert our lat/lng pairs into grid points:
>>> awips221(lng1, lat1)
(2725283.842678774, 5823260.730665273)
>>> x221,y221 = awips221(npts[:,0], npts[:,1])
>>> # xy221 = numpy.concatenate((a1, a2, ...), axis=0) # numpy-2.0
>>> xy221 = numpy.ndarray(shape=npts.shape, dtype=npts.dtype)
>>> xy221[:,0] = x221
>>> xy221[:,1] = y221
>>> xy221
array([[ 2725283.84267877, 5823260.73066527],
[ 2071820.3526011 , 5892518.49630526],
[ 1422529.71760395, 5967565.49899035],
[ 775650.03731228, 6046475.43928965],
[ 129946.46495299, 6127609.80532071],
[ -515306.57275941, 6209785.69230076],
[-1160447.80254759, 6292455.41884832]])
Finally, you can convert points from one projection to another.
>>> from pyproj import transform
>>> x218,y218 = transform(awips221, awips218, x221, y221)
>>> xy218 = numpy.ndarray(shape=npts.shape, dtype=npts.dtype)
>>> xy218[:,0] = x218
>>> xy218[:,1] = y218
>>> xy218
array([[ 1834251.59591561, 4780900.70184736],
[ 1197541.13209718, 5028862.9881648 ],
[ 542391.04388716, 5258740.71523961],
[ -131577.34942316, 5464828.45934687],
[ -822685.42269932, 5641393.59760613],
[-1527077.85176048, 5783597.16169582],
[-2239159.34620498, 5888495.91009021]])
Another useful coordinate system is the Universal Transverse Mercator projection which slices the world into zones.
>>> p = Proj(proj='utm', zone=10, ellps='clrk66')
Putting everything together, here's a route map based on digital lat/lng pairs stored in a text file:
>>> from numpy import array
>>> from pylab import plot, show
>>> from pyproj import Geod, Proj
>>> latlng = array([[float(x) for x in ln.split()]
... for ln in open('coords', 'r')
... if not ln.startswith('#')])
>>> g = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
>>> az12s,az21s,dists = g.inv(latlng[:-1,1], latlng[:-1,0],
... latlng[1:,1], latlng[1:,0])
>>> print('total distance: %g m' % dists.sum())
total distance: 2078.93 m
>>> mlng = latlng[:,1].mean()
>>> zone = int(round((mlng + 180) / 6.))
>>> p = Proj(proj='utm', zone=zone, ellps='WGS84')
>>> xs,ys = p(latlng[:,1], latlng[:,0])
>>> lines = plot(xs, ys, 'r.-')
>>> show()
I've written up a simple script using this approach: I've also written up a simple script to draw a map with labeled points:
Note that you can easily get lat/lng pairs using geopy (ebuild in my Gentoo overlay):
>>> import geopy
>>> g = geopy.geocoders.Google()
>>> place1,(lat1,lng1) = g.geocode("New York, NY")
>>> place2,(lat2,lng2) = g.geocode("Vancouver, Canada")
>>> place1,(lat1,lng1)
(u'New York, NY, USA', (40.7143528, -74.0059731))
>>> place2,(lat2,lng2)
(u'Vancouver, BC, Canada', (49.261226, -123.1139268))
If you're looking for a more compact C++ package for geographic conversions, GeographicLib looks promising.
Available in a git repository.
Repository: pyrisk
Browsable repository: pyrisk
Author: W. Trevor King
Play Risk (or similar games) over email!
is posted on the PyPI page.
I just stumbled across gnuclad and the GNU/Linux distribution timeline. Pretty sweet ;). Distro names in the big SVG link to the distro's website, so its a fun way to explore.
I've reorganized my music a few times, and it took me a while to get organized enough to want a single directory tree that held everything I owned. Every once and a while I go through the junk drawer and move a few more songs into the "official" tree, checking their metadata and whatnot. I was getting annoyed at finding duplicate songs in several junk drawers, so I wrote up a little script, find which can compare SHA1s for files in two trees and remove any duplicates from the lesser tree. Now there is a lot less junk to merge into my official tree.
Sometimes you want to do something more effective than printing
duplicates, but more subtle than removing them. To give you this
flexibility, I've added the --one-line
option, which you can use
along these lines:
$ dir_a dir_b --one-line | while read -a DUPS; do mv "${DUPS[1]}" "${DUPS[0]}".dup; done is a simple stock-quote scraper using Python's urllib2 to grab pages and lxml to parse the HTML. It's a pretty straightforward example of elementary scraping in Python.