Software written in C.
I've been wanting to get into microcontroller programming for a while now, and last week I broke down and ordered components for a breadboard Arduino from Mouser. There's a fair amount of buzz about the Arduino platform, but I find the whole sketch infrastucture confusing. I'm a big fan of command line tools in general, so the whole IDE thing was a bit of a turn off.
Because the ATMega328 doesn't have a USB controller, I also bought a Teensy 2.0 from PJRC. The Teensy is just an ATMega32u4 on a board with supporting hardware (clock, reset switch, LED, etc). I've packed the Teensy programmer and HID listener in my Gentoo overlay, to make it easier to install them and stay up to date.
Arduinos (and a number of similar projects) are based on AVR microcontrollers like the ATMegas. Writing code for an AVR processor is the similar to writing code for any other processor. GCC will cross-compile your code once you've setup a cross-compiling toolchain. There's a good intro to the whole embedded approach in the Gentoo Embedded Handbook.
For all the AVR-specific features you can use AVR-libc, an open source C library for AVR processors. It's hard to imagine doing anything interesting without using this library, so you should at least skim through the manual. They also have a few interesting demos to get you going.
AVR-libc sorts chip-support code into AVR architecture subdirectories.
For example, object code specific to my ATMega32u4 is installed at
. avr5
is the AVR architecture
version of this chip.
Since you will probably not want to build a version of GCC that runs on your AVR chip, you'll be building a cross comiling toolchain. The toolchain will allow you to use your development box to compile programs for your AVR chip. On Gentoo, the recommended approach is to use crossdev to build the toolchain (although crossdev's AVR support can be flaky). They suggest you install it in a stage3 chroot to protect your native toolchain, but I think it's easier to just make btrfs snapshots of my hard drive before doing something crazy. I didn't have any trouble skipping the chroot on my sytem, but your mileage may vary.
# emerge -av crossdev
Because it has per-arch libraries (like avr5
), AVR-libc needs to be
built with multilib support. If you (like me) have avoided
multilib like the plague so far, you'll need to patch crossdev to turn
on multilib for the AVR tools. Do this by applying Jess'
patch from bug 377039.
# wget -O crossdev-avr-multilib.patch ''
# patch /usr/bin/crossdev < crossdev-avr-multilib.patch
If you're using a profile where multilib is masked
(e.g. default/linux/x86/10.0/desktop
) you should use Niklas'
extended version of the patch from the duplicate bug
Despite claiming to use the last overlay in PORTDIR_OVERLAY
crossdev currently uses the first, so if you use
layman to manage your overlays (like mine),
you'll want to tweak your make.conf
to look like:
source /var/lib/layman/make.conf
Now you can install your toolchain following the Crossdev wiki. First install a minimal GCC (stage 1) using
# USE="-cxx -openmp" crossdev --binutils 9999 -s1 --without-headers --target avr
Then install a full featured GCC (stage 4) using
# USE="cxx -nocxx" crossdev --binutils 9999 -s4 --target avr
I use binutils-9999
to install live from the git mirror,
which avoids a segfault bug in binutils 2.22.
After the install, I was getting bit by bug 147155:
cannot open linker script file ldscripts/avr5.x
Which I work around with:
# ln -s /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/avr/lib/ldscripts /usr/avr/lib/ldscripts
Now you're ready. Go forth and build!
Cross compiler construction
Why do several stages of GCC need to be built anyway? From crossdev
, here are the stages:
- Build just binutils
- Also build a bare C compiler (no C library/C++/shared GCC libs/C++ exceptions/etc…)
- Also build kernel headers
- Also build the C library
- Also build a full compiler
This example shows the details of linking a simple program from three
source files. There are three ways to link: directly from object
files, statically from static libraries, or dynamically from shared
libraries. If you're following along in my example
source, you can compile the three flavors of the
program with:
$ make
And then run them with:
$ make run
Compiling and linking
Here's the general compilation process:
- Write code in a human-readable language (C, C++, …).
- Compile the code to object files (
) using a compiler (gcc
, …). - Link the code into executables or libraries using a linker
, …).
Object files are binary files containing machine code versions of the human-readable code, along with some bookkeeping information for the linker (relocation information, stack unwinding information, program symbols, …). The machine code is specific to a particular processor architecture (e.g. x86-64).
Linking files resolves references to symbols defined in translation
units, because a single object file will rarely (never?) contain
definitions for all the symbols it requires. It's easy to get
confused about the difference between compiling and linking, because
you often use the same program (e.g. gcc
) for both steps. In
reality, gcc
is performing the compilation on its own, but is
using external utilities like ld
for the linking. To see this in
action, add the -v
(verbose) option to your gcc
(or g++
calls. You can do this for all the rules in the Makefile
make CC="gcc -v" CXX="g++ -v"
On my system, that shows g++
using /lib64/
for dynamic linking. On my system, C++ seems to require at least some
dynamic linkning, but a simple C program like simple.c
can be
linked statically. For static linking, gcc
uses collect2
Symbols in object files
Sometimes you'll want to take a look at the symbols exported and
imported by your code, since there can be subtle bugs if you
link two sets of code that use the same symbol for different purposes.
You can use nm
to inspect the intermediate object files. I've saved
the command line in the Makefile
$ make inspect-object-files
nm -Pg hello_world.o print_hello_world.o hello_world_string.o
_Z17print_hello_worldv U
main T 0000000000000000 0000000000000010
_Z17print_hello_worldv T 0000000000000000 0000000000000027
_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev U
_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev U
_ZSt4cout U
_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_ U
_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc U
__cxa_atexit U
__dso_handle U
hello_world_string U
hello_world_string R 0000000000000010 0000000000000008
The output format for nm
is described in its man page. With the
option, output is restricted to globally visible symbols. With
the -P
option, each symbol line is:
<symbol> <type> <offset-in-hex> <size-in-hex>
For example, we see that hello_world.o
defines a global text
symbol main
with at position 0 with a size of 0x10. This is where
the loader will start execution.
We also see that hello_world.o
needs (i.e. “has an undefineed symbol
for”) _Z17print_hello_worldv
. This means that, in order to run,
must be linked against something else which provides
that symbol. The symbol is for our print_hello_world
function. The
prefix and v
postfix are a result of name
mangling, and depend on the compiler used and function
signature. Moving on, we see that print_hello_world.o
defines the
at position 0 with a size of 0x27. So
linking print_hello_world.o
with hello_world.o
would resolve the
symbols needed by hello_world.o
print hello_world.o
has undefined symbols of its own, so we can't
stop yet. It needs hello_world_string
(provided by
), _ZSt4cout
(provided by libcstd++
The process of linking involves bundling up enough of these partial code chunks so that each of them has access to the symbols it needs.
There are a number of other tools that will let you poke into the
innards of object files. If nm
doesn't scratch your itch, you may
want to look at the more general objdump
Storage classes
In the previous section I mentioned “globally visible symbols”. When you declare or define a symbol (variable, function, …), you can use storage classes to tell the compiler about your symbols' linkage and storage duration.
For more details, you can read through §6.2.2 Linkages of identifiers, §6.2.4 Storage durations of objects, and §6.7.1 Storage-class specifiers in WG14/N1570, the last public version of ISO/IEC 9899:2011 (i.e. the C11 standard).
Since we're just worried about linking, I'll leave the discussion of
storage duration to others. With linkage, you're basically deciding
which of the symbols you define in your translation unit should be
visible from other translation units. For example, in
, we declare that there is a function
(with a particular signature). The extern
means that may be defined in another translation unit. For
block-level symbols (i.e. things defined in the root level of your
source file, not inside functions and the like), this is the default;
writing extern
just makes it explicit. When we define the
function in print_hello_world.cpp
, we also label it as extern
(again, this is the default). This means that the defined symbol
should be exported for use by other translation units.
By way of comparison, the string secret_string
defined in
is declared static
. This means that
the symbol should be restricted to that translation unit. In other
words, you won't be able to access the value of secret_string
When you're writing a library, it is best to make any functions that
you don't need to export static
and to avoid global variables
Static libraries
You never want to code everything required by a program on your own.
Because of this, people package related groups of functions into
libraries. Programs can then take use functions from the library, and
avoid coding that functionality themselves. For example, you could
consider print_hello_world.o
and hello_world_string.o
to be
little libraries used by hello_world.o
. Because the two object
files are so tightly linked, it would be convenient to bundle them
together in a single file. This is what static libraries are, bundles
of object files. You can create them using ar
(from “archive”;
is the ancestor of tar
, from “tape archive”).
You can use nm
to list the symbols for static libraries exactly as
you would for object files:
$ make inspect-static-library
nm -Pg libhello_world.a
_Z17print_hello_worldv T 0000000000000000 0000000000000027
_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev U
_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev U
_ZSt4cout U
_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_ U
_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc U
__cxa_atexit U
__dso_handle U
hello_world_string U
hello_world_string R 0000000000000010 0000000000000008
Notice that nothing has changed from the object file output, except
that object file names like print_hello_world.o
have been replaced
by libhello_world.a[print_hello_world.o]
Shared libraries
Library code from static libraries (and object files) is built into
your executable at link time. This means that when the library is
updated in the future (bug fixes, extended functionality, …), you'll
have to relink your program to take advantage of the new features.
Because no body wants to recompile an entire system when someone makes
a bit more efficient, people developed shared libraries. The
code from shared libraries is never built into your executable.
Instead, instructions on how to find the dynamic libraries are built
in. When you run your executable, a loader finds all the shared
libraries your program needs and copies the parts you need from the
libraries into your program's memory. This means that when a system
programmer improves cout
, your program will use the new version
automatically. This is a Good Thing™.
You can use ldd
to list the shared libraries your program needs:
$ make list-executable-shared-libraries
ldd hello_world => (0x00007fff76fbb000) => /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.5.3/ (0x00007ff7467d8000) => /lib64/ (0x00007ff746555000) => /lib64/ (0x00007ff74633e000) => /lib64/ (0x00007ff745fb2000)
/lib64/ (0x00007ff746ae7000)
The format is:
soname => path (load address)
You can also use nm
to list symbols for shared libraries:
$ make inspect-shared-libary | head
nm -Pg --dynamic
_Jv_RegisterClasses w
_Z17print_hello_worldv T 000000000000098c 0000000000000034
_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev U
_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev U
_ZSt4cout U
_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_ U
_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc U
__bss_start A 0000000000201030
__cxa_atexit U
__cxa_finalize w
__gmon_start__ w
_edata A 0000000000201030
_end A 0000000000201048
_fini T 0000000000000a58
_init T 0000000000000810
hello_world_string D 0000000000200dc8 0000000000000008
You can see our hello_world_string
and _Z17print_hello_worldv
along with the undefined symbols like _ZSt4cout
that our code
needs. There are also a number of symbols to help with the shared
library mechanics (e.g. _init
To illustrate the “link time” vs. “load time” distinction, run:
$ make run
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./hello_world-dynamic
Hello, World!
Then switch to the Goodbye
definition in
//extern const char * const hello_world_string = "Hello, World!";
extern const char * const hello_world_string = "Goodbye!";
Recompile the libraries (but not the executables) and run again:
$ make libs
$ make run
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./hello_world-dynamic
Finally, relink the executables and run again:
$ make
$ make run
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./hello_world-dynamic
When you have many packages depending on the same low-level libraries, the savings on avoided rebuilding is large. However, shared libraries have another benefit over static libraries: shared memory.
Much of the machine code in shared libraries is static (i.e. it doesn't change as a program is run). Because of this, several programs may share the same in-memory version of a library without stepping on each others toes. With statically linked code, each program has its own in-memory version:
Static | Shared |
Program A → Library B | Program A → Library B |
Program C → Library B | Program C ⎯⎯⎯⎯⬏ |
Further reading
If you're curious about the details on loading and shared libraries, Eli Bendersky has a nice series of articles on load time relocation, PIC on x86, and PIC on x86-64.
Cython is a Python-like language that makes it easy to write C-based extensions for Python. This is a Good Thing™, because people who will write good Python wrappers will be fluent in Python, but not necessarily in C. Alternatives like SWIG allow you to specify wrappers in a C-like language, which makes thin wrappers easy, but can lead to a less idomatic wrapper API. I should also point out ctypes, which has the advantage of avoiding compiled wrappers altogether, at the expense of dealing with linking explicitly in the Python code.
The Cython docs are fairly extensive, and I found them to be
sufficient for writing my pycomedi wrapper around the Comedi
library. One annoying thing was that Cython does not support
(cython-users). I took a stab at fixing this,
but got sidetracked cleaning up the Cython parser (cython-devel,
later in cython-devel). I must have bit off more than I
should have, since I eventually ran out of time to work on merging my
code, and the Cython trunk moved off without me ;).
SWIG is a Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator. It makes it very easy to provide a quick-and-dirty wrapper so you can call code written in C or C++ from code written in another (e.g. Python). I don't do much with SWIG, because while building an object oriented wrapper in SWIG is possible, I could never get it to feel natural (I like Cython better). Here are my notes from when I do have to interact with SWIG.
and memory management
(defined in carrays.i) lets you wrap a C array in
a class-based interface. The example from the docs is nice and
concise, but I was running into problems.
>>> import example
>>> n = 3
>>> data = example.sample_array(n)
>>> for i in range(n):
... data[i] = 2*i + 3
>>> example.print_sample_pointer(n, data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: in method 'print_sample_pointer', argument 2 of type 'sample_t *'
I just bumped into these errors again while trying to add an
class to Comedi's wrapper:
%array_class(comedi_insn, insn_array);
so I decided it was time to buckle down and figure out what was going on. All of the non-Comedi examples here are based on my example test code.
The basic problem is that while you and I realize that an
-based instance is interchangable with the underlying
pointer, SWIG does not. For example, I've defined a sample_vector_t
typedef double sample_t;
typedef struct sample_vector_struct {
size_t n;
sample_t *data;
} sample_vector_t;
and a sample_array
%array_class(sample_t, sample_array);
A bare instance of the double array class has fancy SWIG additions for getting and setting attributes. The class that adds the extra goodies is SWIG's proxy class:
>>> print(data) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<example.sample_array; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'sample_array *' at 0x...> >
However, C functions and structs interact with the bare pointer
(i.e. without the proxy goodies). You can use the .cast()
method to
remove the goodies:
>>> data.cast() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<Swig Object of type 'double *' at 0x...>
>>> example.print_sample_pointer(n, data.cast())
>>> vector = example.sample_vector_t()
>>> vector.n = n
>>> = data
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: in method 'sample_vector_t_data_set', argument 2 of type 'sample_t *'
>>> = data.cast()
>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<Swig Object of type 'double *' at 0x...>
So .cast()
gets you from proxy of <Swig Object ...>
to <Swig
Object ...>
. How you go the other way? You'll need this if you want
to do something extra fancy, like accessing the array members ;).
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'SwigPyObject' object is not subscriptable
The answer here is the .frompointer()
method, which can function as
a class method:
>>> reconst_data = example.sample_array.frompointer(
>>> reconst_data[n-1]
Or as a single line:
>>> example.sample_array.frompointer([n-1]
I chose the somewhat awkward name of reconst_data
for the
reconstitued data, because if you use data
, you clobber the earlier
definition. After the clobber, Python
garbage collects the old data
, and becase the old data claims it
owns the underlying memory, Python frees the memory. This leaves
and reconst_data
pointing to unallocated memory, which
is probably not what you want. If keeping references to the original
objects (like I did above with data
) is too annoying, you have to
manually tweak the ownership flag:
>>> data.thisown
>>> data.thisown = False
>>> data = example.sample_array.frompointer(
>>> data[n-1]
This way, when data
is clobbered, SWIG doesn't release the
underlying array (because data
no longer claims to own the array).
However, vector
doesn't own the array either, so you'll have to
remember to reattach the array to somthing that will clean it up
before vector goes out of scope to avoid leaking memory:
>>> data.thisown = True
>>> del vector, data
For deeply nested structures, this can be annoying, but it will work.
Available in a git repository.
Repository: sawsim
Browsable repository: sawsim
Author: W. Trevor King
My thesis project investigates protein unfolding via the experimental technique of force spectroscopy. In force spectroscopy, we mechanically stretch chains of proteins, usually by pulling one end of the chain away from a surface with an AFM.
For velocity clamp experiments (the simplest to carry out experimentally), the experiments produce "sawtooth" force-displacement curves. As the protein stretches, the tension increases. At some point, a protein domain unfolds, increasing the total length of the chain and relaxing the tension. As we continue to stretch the protein, we see a series of unfolding peaks. The GPLed program Hooke analyzes the sawtooth curves and extracts lists of unfolding forces.
Lists of unfolding forces are not particularly interesting by themselves. The most common approach for extracting some physical insights from the unfolding curves is to take a guess at an explanatory model and check the predicted behavior of the model against the measured behavior of the protein. If the model does a good job of explaining the protein behavior, it might be what's actually going on behind the scenes. Sawsim is my (published!) tool for simulating force spectroscopy experiments and matching the simulations to experimental results.
The main benefits of sawsim are its ability to simulate systems with arbitrary numbers of states (see the manual) and to easily compare the simulated data with experimental values. The following figure shows a long valley of reasonable fits to some ubiquitin unfolding data. See the IJBM paper (linked above) for more details.
Getting started
Sawsim should run anywhere you have a C compiler and Python 2.5+. I've tested it on Gentoo and Debian, and I've got an ebuild in my Gentoo overlay. It should also run fine on Windows, etc., but I don't have access to any Windows boxes with a C compiler, so I haven't tested that (email me if you have access to such a machine and want to try installing Sawsim).
See the README, manual, and PyPI page for more details.
C is the grandaddy of most modern programming languages.
There are several C tutorials available on-line. I would recommend Prof. McMillan's introduction and The C Book by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady, and Mark Doran, which has lots of well-explained examples to get you going.