I'm rather proud of this one (can you tell I'm overhauling sawsim's Makefile ;).
$ cat Makefile
FILES = a b
DS = src
DT = targ
all : $(FILES:%=$(DT)/%)
@echo "got $^"
@echo "done"
clean :
rm -rf $(DT)
#$(FILES:%=$(DT)/%) : $$($$@:$(DT)/%=$(DS)/%) $(DT)
# This colon --^ produces: "target pattern contains no `%'."
# Instead use this idom --v
$(FILES:%=$(DT)/%) : $$(subst $(DT),$(DS),$$@) $(DT)
@echo "looking for $< for $@"
$(DT) :
mkdir $@
% :
@echo "missing rule for $@"
$ make
looking for src/a for targ/a
looking for src/b for targ/b
got targ/a targ/b
Of course you could accomplish the same effect with
$(DT)/% : $(SRC)/% @echo "looking for $< for %@"
but what fun is that? ;)